About our Practice
Located in the heart of Waterloo, for over 40 years Wallace Oral Surgery has been specializing in the removal of wisdom teeth and other impacted teeth through local anesthesia, conscious sedation and general anesthesia. In addition to this, Dr. Jeffrey Wallace also treats facial trauma (eg. broken jaws) and performs oral pathology services related to abnormalities in the mouth (cyts, tumors).
What you can expect
To Understand Your Care;
Having an understanding of why and how your surgery will be completed is of the upmost importance. At your consultation appointment we will discuss the who (nurses, anesthesiologists), what (type of treatment, risks, fees), where (office vs. in-hospital), why of your surgery (risks benefits, alternatives,) and when. Your treatment is an ongoing dialogue and Dr. Wallace and his staff welcome your questions at any time. From the time of your consultation through to post operative care Dr. Wallace is very accessible. Our office prides itself on reassuring patients and their caretakers throughout their treatment.
A Focus on You;
Patient focus has always been paramount throughout Dr. Wallace’s career in Waterloo. Your care is put first through a team approach to surgeries, dedicating responsibilities for general anesthesia to a medical anesthesiologist who remains at your side throughout your surgery. This approach eliminates distractions and allows Dr. Wallace to focus completely on your treatment and deliver proven results.
Continuity of Care;
Being a small patient focused practice, the same people you meet at your consultation will be those delivering your surgery and post-operative care. For after-hours care, Dr. Wallace has shared on-call responsibility with a trusted group of Oral Surgeons in Kitchener Waterloo for over 30 years. Rest assured that a solution is just a call away.
Our Staff
The success of the practice can be attributed a great deal to the fantastic team of nurses and administrators at Dr. Wallace’s staff. A wealth of experience is at our doorstep as many of our staff have been with Dr. Wallace since the practice opened in 1980.
Our surgical staff are all registered nurses and bring a variety of experience (eg. Recovery Room, Cardiac Surgery, Obstetrics and ICU) before entering private practice.
Meet our Doctors
For more information about Dr. Jeffrey Wallace, a brief biography is available here.
For more information about Dr. Timothy Wallace, a brief biography is available here.