Complex Dental Surgery
Dr. Wallace offers complex dentoalveolar surgery and surgical uncovering or bracketing of impacted teeth. Read more in the About Our Practice page for more information regarding our approach to your treatment.
Treatments in this area can include;
Multiple extractions
Impacted teeth
Orthodontic exposures and bracketing
Dental / facial infections
Endodontic surgery
What can I expect through the course of my treatment?
Often these types of treatment can be done without consultation when referred by your General Dentist or Orthodontist who can provide Dr. Wallace with a clear understanding of the diagnosis and treatment plan.
Patients requiring this type of surgery are typically referred to Dr. Wallace due to the anticipated difficulty, significant oral or facial infections or compromised health of the patient. Having said this, a consultation may be needed in cases where the patients medications or other treatments may complicate the surgery (taking blood thinners, radiation therapy etc,)
Typically this type of treatment may be performed under a local anesthetic or conscious sedation while general anesthesia is typically reserved for more complex surgeries or patients with a history of severe dental anxiety.
In situations where general anesthesia is recommended, it will be administered by a network of certified medical anesthesiologists associated with Grand River and St. Mary's General hospitals. The use of these anesthesiologists allows Dr. Wallace to focus on the primary objective of completing your surgery as quickly and painlessly as possible while ensuring the best treatment outcome.
Post-Operative Care
Expect a follow-up call the day after your surgery as we would like to ensure that you are comfortable and taken care of. It may be necessary to return to the office for a post-operative exam.
Please visit our Post-Operative Care page for more information and guidance.